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Miscellaneous Client Forms

Digital Document Submission Instructions – A simple guide for the best ways to submit document scans to our office. All you need is a cell phone or similar camera-enabled device.

Location of Important Papers and Valuable Property – A form that helps you keep track of your important information and keep it in a single location for your family.

Why we need your original memorandum of trust – Sometimes we have to request original memorandums of trust from people for certain kinds of transactions. This document explains why how we will use it.

What to bring to your first estate planning consultation – A brief list of information you should bring to your first meeting to discuss a last will and testament, trust, or other estate planning tools. If you don’t have them, come anyway! Most clients don’t have prepared information when they come in. You will be fine. You know more of the answers to our questions than you think.

What to bring to your first property sale contract consultation – Here are some things you can consider as you prepare to enter a contract for buying or selling real estate. You don’t need all of this information to come to your appointment. The most important thing is to start the process.

Firm Telecommunications Notice – Technology gives us powerful tools to communicate with our clients better, faster, and clearer. It is important that we and our clients have consistent expectations of how we will communicate so these tools help and don’t cause confusion or problems. No matter what, we want to know how you want to communicate and we will design your client experience around your wishes.

Landlord Client Forms

Eviction Questionnaire Form– Information we will need to file your eviction case.

Mobile Home Eviction Questionnaire Form – Information we need to file your eviction case, where the tenant owns a mobile home located on your property.

NOTICE: Providing these documents does not create an attorney-client relationship and does not guarantee that our firm will represent you. You only become a client of our firm after communication with one of our attorneys and explicate acceptance of representation by our firm (after we consider several factors). If you want to be represented by our firm, you should contact us to begin our process of considering representation.

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